Thursday, October 8, 2015

Grails Codenarc Cobertura GMetrics Plugin

grails codenarc

report(s) generated: [target/test-reports/CodeNarc-Report.xml, target/test-reports/CodeNarc-Report.html]

grails gmetics

generate target/GMetrcsReport.html

Grails Code coverage plugin

This plugin will generate code coverage report using cobertura, in target/test-reports/cobertura

test ":code-coverage:2.0.3-3

To run:

grails test-app -coverage

By default, the script will create HTML reports and place them in the tests/report/cobertura directory. If you would prefer XML reports (e.g for a Continuous Integration server), specify the -xml flag like this:
grails test-app -coverage -xml