The Maven lifecycle has four phases for running integration tests:
- pre-integration-test for setting up the integration test environment.
- integration-test for running the integration tests.
- post-integration-test for tearing down the integration test environment.
- verify for checking the results of the integration tests.
The Failsafe Plugin generates reports in 2 different file formats:
- Plain text files (*.txt)
- XML files (*.xml)
By default, these files are generated at ${basedir}/target/failsafe-reports.
The Failsafe Plugin has only 2 goals:
- failsafe:integration-test runs the integration tests of an application.
- failsafe:verify verifies that the integration tests of an application passed.
<profile> <id>integration-test</id> <build> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-failsafe-plugin</artifactId> <version>${maven-failsafe-plugin.version}</version> <executions> <execution> <goals> <goal>integration-test</goal> <goal>verify</goal> </goals> </execution> </executions> </plugin> </plugins> </build> </profile>